The values that represent the Group’s DNA are an integral part of our everyday activities, as well as our suppliers’ activities, and are described in the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct.
The OTB Group Code of Ethics sets out the values, principles and rules of conduct adopted by the Group to direct its business operations and manage relations with its stakeholders, and guides employee behaviour, as well as the behaviour of everyone who gets in contact with the Group during its activities.
The Suppliers Code of Conduct defines the standards of behaviour that suppliers should implement when conducting business activities with the OTB Group.
The disclosure and the application of the Code of Conduct ensure that suppliers understand and respect our values. It contains the rules needed to guarantee a safe working environment, the respect of employees’ rights, the protection of the environment and animal welfare, and the application of current laws on the matter.
All those who work in and for the Group are committed to observing and ensuring that the principles of these Codes are observed within the scope of their functions and responsibilities.