OTB and its companies are committed to maintaining and supporting a solid supply chain with a high level of know-how

At OTB, we believe that a supply chain based on cooperation, trust and respect is crucial for the production of a quality product

Our Supply Chain Profile

In the OTB sustainability journey, the collaboration with suppliers plays a crucial role. Through a tight collaboration with more than 1,400 suppliers and producing 16.4 million products in 2023, the Group is committed to sharing and respecting the values described in our Code of Conduct and our Code of Ethics.

More than 1,400 suppliers in 35 countries

OTB cooperates with more than 1,400 first-tier* suppliers located in 35 countries. 78% of them are based in Italy, percentage that rises to 85% considering the suppliers of the Group brands of the luxury segment, with an increase of 7% and 5% respectively comparing it to 2022. The Group's sourcing policy is designed to mitigate dependence on a limited number of suppliers, in order to effectively address any risks associated with interruptions in the supply chain.

In 2023, more than 80% of orders placed by the Group companies were in EMEA countries. For what concerns raw materials suppliers, we mainly work with partners located close to the headquarters of our Production Hubs:

Raw materials suppliers by geographical area:

APAC (excluding Japan)

EMEA (excluding Italy)




*Tier 1 suppliers are suppliers with whom the Production Hubs have direct collaboration relationships. They are directly responsible for the supply of materials and components (regardless of the type of CMT or FF production model).

The Docuseries M.A.D.E.

M.A.D.E. Made in Italy, Made Perfectly is the OTB Group docuseries that presents the fascinating stories of some of the most important partners of the OTB Group. The aim is to give a voice and visibility to those people whose talent and craftsmanship have helped build Italy’s reputation in the fashion industry, making it home of the highest expression of quality and expertise.

The 13 episodes of the docuseries showed real Italian craftsmanship masters, which are key roles of micro, small and medium enterprises, presenting both the founders and the artisans, who give life to a unique supply chain thanks to their unparalleled skills.

In the final episode, a short video entitled “M.A.D.E. - Made in Italy, Made with Bravery. Featuring Renzo Rosso”, Renzo Rosso talks about his story and the importance given to the supply chain. The video has been broadcast on Monday 15 April, on the occasion of the first National Made in Italy Day.

C.A.S.H. Project

At OTB, we believe that fashion relies on its synergies with the supply chain, and Italy represents an excellent example of success. For this reason, in 2013 we launched the C.A.S.H. project (Credito Agevolato – Suppliers’ Help). Our programme allows suppliers to collect their receivables from OTB in advance through a bank and offers them the opportunity to benefit from extremely favourable economic conditions, thanks to the high creditworthiness of the Group that acts as guarantor. C.A.S.H. now involves 54 active suppliers who have sold 95% of their receivables. Total disbursements since the program began in 2013 amount to more than 610 million euro.

OTB Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

The values that represent the Group’s DNA are an integral part of our everyday activities, as well as our suppliers’ activities, and are described in the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct.

The OTB Group Code of Ethics sets out the values, principles and rules of conduct adopted by the Group to direct its business operations and manage relations with its stakeholders, and guides employee behaviour, as well as the behaviour of everyone who gets in contact with the Group during its activities.

The Suppliers Code of Conduct defines the standards of behaviour that suppliers should implement when conducting business activities with the OTB Group. The disclosure and the application of the Code of Conduct ensure that suppliers understand and respect our values. It contains the rules needed to guarantee a safe working environment, the respect of employees’ rights, the protection of the environment and animal welfare, and the application of current laws on the matter.

All those who work in and for the Group are committed to observing and ensuring that the principles of these Codes are observed within the scope of their functions and responsibilities.

Our supply chain management

The companies of the Group are committed to analysing their supply chain, assessing suppliers’ social and environmental performance, either through the evaluation of audit reports made available or through the organisation of on-site third-party audits. In case of easily resolved non-conformities, a follow-up audit is scheduled to ensure that breaches are quickly resolved. For more serious, but not critical, non-conformities, suppliers are required to prepare an action plan for their resolution, to be implemented within a period of time that varies depending on the irregularity in question. Lastly, in the event of critical non-conformities or inaction and/or inability from the supplier to guarantee their resolution as planned, the Group companies contractually reserve the right to terminate the supply agreement.

Transparent communication & Customer Experience

Customer needs are key drivers of the OTB Group activities. For this reason, we aim at elevating the quality of our products and promoting services that make our customer experience unique. This is possible thanks to a transparent communication, aimed at promoting a cultural change